Farewell Canna
Oil on canvas
Approx 68 × 68 cm framed in a white bespoke frame
Oil on canvas
Approx 68 × 68 cm framed in a white bespoke frame
Oil on canvas
Approx 68 × 68 cm framed in a white bespoke frame
Farewell Canna
Canna was my favourite island. Having left the ruggedness of Skye we sailed onto Canna with a real feeling of heading out to sea. Canna was just a speck on the horizon and looked small and isolated, but as we approached, the island revealed lush greens with soft fields and trees! Trees out here where the elements batter the islands. Canna felt almost tropical. It may have helped that we arrived under blue skies and anchored off white sands in blue seas but this island had a completely different personality. More paintings to follow from Canna but I felt a real sense of sadness as we left this jewel of an island. Farewell Canna I will return.